I am feeling ever so squirrelly today. I may just boil over from the rants which are bubbling up inside me. I suppose that it all started with an email that I got this morning from a friend who is leaving on an extended vacation. I appreciate the fact that he let me know that he was going away. It bothers me to no end when friends seem to disappear from the face of the earth for weeks at a time with no explaination. I start to wonder if I have done something wrong. What irked me was his mention of all the Scorpions CDs that he was taking with him on his journey. I get REALLY sick of him raving on and on like he is their number one fan or something! Let's set this matter straight. The only reason he ever even bothered to listen to them was because I said that I liked them. Had I kept my big mouth shut, he would probably still be unaware of their existance! I won't even touch on the fact that he got to see them live because he has the good fortune to be living in Europe. GRRRR...
This brings to mind another rant of mine, boredom. With many people going off on summer holidays the internet can become a very lonely place indeed. I try to take a bit of solace in my rants and my beloved memes (Yes, I am a memeaholic!), but guess what! There are no good memes on Tuesdays or Fridays at the present time. I need a meme fix!
Then there is the work situation. I admit that the paycheck is quite nice, but working six days a week leaves me feeling more than a little bit drained. I can only do it for so long before start getting cranky and biting people's heads off for no apparent reason. I am getting dangerously close to that point at the present time. June already seems to be a long tome ago. I need a day off, dammit! Of course, the whole work situation would not be nearly as bad if they had not sent us the wicked witch of the west to be our OIC! Why must they do this "musical postmasters" thing? So far this year we've had two different OICs while our real postmaster is off god knows where doing god knows what. Mike is a great guy, a pleasure to work for, I want him back.