1. When is your birthday? Birthdays? What are those? I don't have them anymore. I refuse to get any older! I do like getting presents, though, so November 20 of each year has been declared to be "Buy Lady Starlight A Present Day!"
2. If you change when your birthday was, would you? Now that IS an interesting question! I'd like to be a bit younger, but I also value the experience that life has given me. Can I move my birthday up about twenty years and hold on to my experience?
3. What was your favorite birthday party you ever had? I have discovered that I don't much care for parties. I prefer small intimate gatherings. When I was a kid, I always wanted one, but when I had it I usually ended up crying at some point before it was over. I really can't recall ever having a birthday party that I enjoyed.
4. Do you have any original birthday traditions? The "birthday person" in our family always gets to select the dinner menu. On "Buy Me A Present Day" our menu is chicken and dumplings with a rather unique type of birthaday cake, the chocolate cherry cake. Mmmmm... good! Not all that original, but it's what we do.
5. Do you do any of the unoriginal birthday tradions, such as adding an extra candle for good luck, being the first to cut the cake, or smearing your name on your cake and putting it on your nose? I never heard of the cake on your nose one before, but I have no plans on trying it any time soon! As for unoriginal birthday traditions, I deal with them all even though I hate them. They sing at me, I get my birthday smacks, the whole nine yards.. Why do they insist upon doing this. I know that I told them I don't have birthdays anymore. I'll pass on the extra candle on the cake. I wouldn't want the cake to catch fire! Blow out the candles. Make a wish! Now, where the hell is Matthias Jabs?!