1. I always exercise my right to vote. True. I haven't missed an election since I first registered to vote in 1980.
2. I pay little or no attention to the campaign ads aired on television prior to a presidential election. True. I pay little or no attention to the cammpaign ads aired prior to any election. If they are not slinging mud at on another, they're showing us what a lovely family they have. Sheesh! What does that have to do with anything? It seems like no one knows how to run a campaign on the candidate's merits anymore.
3. I can see myself running for some type of political office someday. False. Having me in political office would be a very bad thing! Once elected, I would become an evil dictator. Muhaha! You must all listen to The Scorpions now, or else!!!
4. I believe we will see a woman become president in my lifetime. False. As much as I'd like to see it, I don't think it's going to happen any time soon, sexist attitudes are still to prevailent.
5. I try to keep an open mind regarding all political issues. False. I have very definite opinions on political issues which are not easily changed.
6. I believe the drinking age should be raised. False. I think that it should be eliminated. Attaching an age to drinking merely glamorizes it, making those who are prone to abusing alcohol more likely to start at an earlier age. That kinda defeats the purpose of the whole thing, now doesn't it? The people who write laws such as these have a lot to learn about addictive personalities. So, what makes me such an expert on this topic? Lady Starlight is a recovering alcoholic (Oops. There goes my anonymity!).
7. I think the legal age to vote should be raised. False. I actually think that anyone who knows how to read should be allowed to vote. Children are not stupid, why should they not have some sort of say about those who pass the laws that effect them?
8. I thought these qustions were interesting. True. They most certainly provided me with an excellent opportunity to rant!
9. I will be back to play again! True. Aren't I always...
~Bonus Question~ (stole this idea from wild fl0w3r!) 10. If I was the moderator of this meme, one question I would ask is... What other radical political ideas do you have? At least that's what I'd ask with this week's questions.