We all know that I am a member of the List Of Torture, more commonly referred to as The Scorpions Newsletter, but some things have happened recently which have left me a bit puzzled. I was quite used to the little glitches in the mailing system that sent me multiple copies of the same email. I had even grown to expect it. But my last duplicate (at least I think it was some sort of duplicate) email left me decidedly baffled. It read as follows...
Hallo liebe Scorpions Fans,
für diejenigen unter euch die dort hinfahren wolltet: das Konzert in Portugal am 18. Juli wurde vom Veranstalter abgesagt.
Übrigens haben wir neue Bilder aus Halberstadt und Mainz in der Galerie.
To this I say, "Huh?!" When was my name added to the German mailing list? I don't speak very damned much German, I thought I was quite clear about that matter! To make matters more interesting, this email arrived before its English counterpart, leaving me to decipher what it said. As closely as I could figure , it said that a concert in Portugal had been cancelled and that as a consolation, new photos from concerts in Halberstadt and Mainz had been added to the site. Upon the arrival of the English email, I discovered that my rough translation was fairly accurate. Damn, I'm good.
But the question remains, Why did I get the German email in the first place? Could it be that my dear Wolfgang has happened upon this blog and heard my plea for someone to teach me to speak German? I have had the occasional visitor from Germany, but I had always assumed that they had drifted here from my guestbook entry at Word-of-Smilies.de. Could I possibly be mistaken?
If this is the case, Wolfgang, my darling, I do seriously hope that you will kindly accept my offer to tutor you in the English language, because, quite frankly, your English grammar is atrocious! Since you have been so kind as to help me with my German, I will even lower my fee for you. I will ask only for an introduction to this man.
I promise not to do anything to him that he won't enjoy...