I went to WalMart on Friday night (read payday) with every intention of buying myself a cheap forty dollar MP3 player. Alas for my pocketbook, this was not to be. None of those cute little cheap ones were in stock. My frustration at listening to the terrible music that is played in my office (not to mention the guys arguing about sports) demanded that I MUST buy one. This was the only model that was in stock...
Ouch! With tax it set me back over a hundred bucks, but it was worth every penny! I did not need to rerip those WMA files after all. This baby plays three different types of files, MP3s, WAVs, and the dreaded WMAs! It stores the files on little discs called MDs which hold about thirty songs if you are going for quality (which I am), almost double that many if you're not.
I'd really reccommend that you go for the high quality if you purchase one of these. The discs are quite cheap. A five pack was a little less than ten dollars at WalMart. Why sacrifice quality for quantity when the discs are that cheap?! Believe me this thing sounds incredible!
I'm ready to ROCK! I pity those poor people at work who will now have to listen to me sing! Oh, well... They deserve it for having such terrible taste in music.