The Dreaded Reading Meme
It's been about a week since this was passed to me. I've been quite lax about doing it. But there's no time like the present! So...
You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
Do I get to be every copy of the book that was ever published?! Do I? If that's the case, I want to be Mein Kamph by Adolph Hitler. That ought to go a long way in righting a lot of the wrongs in the world. World War II would never happen. Hitler would end up locked away in a nuthouse, where he belonged. The neo-nazis of today would be without a role model. Yep, burn, baby, burn!
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
More times than I care to admit! The padhi in C. J. Cherryh's Foreigner series, for one. Oh how I wish that I could be his Atevi lover, even though that would make me a large, ebony-skinned alien, totally lacking emotion.
The last book you bought is:
Probably the book that I am currently reading, Dark Maze By Thomas Adcock, but it could be one of many other books that I pick up at the Dollar Tree store. If they look interesting, I buy them. Sometimes they sit for months before I get around to reading them, this is why I am uncertain as to which was my most recent purchase.
The last book you read:
Iron Star by Brian Kelleher, a very creepy and gruesome novel set in the final days of World War II. I loved it!
What are you currently reading?
The words on my computer screen! What?! You say I'm taking this question too literally...
The book that I am currently reading (when I find a spare minute or two) is Dark Maze (mentioned in my answer to a previous question). It is a story of a fictional serial killer in New York City and of the police detective who is tracking him.
Five books you would take to a deserted island.
1. The Bible - Apart from its religious significance, it contains all sorts of fascinating tales.
2. Foreigner by C. J. Cherryh - So that I can feed my crush on its main character while languishing away.
3. Memnoch The Devil by Anne Rice - My very favorite of her vampire tales. There is a lot of deep meaning in this one if you care to seek it.
4. The Ship Who Sang by Ann McCaffrey, an odd sci-fi sort of romance between a biological spaceship and her pilot.
5. A book of blank pages, so that I may record my thoughts and feelings while on the island.
Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
1. Khushrenada13, because I want to know what they're reading in The Netherlands.
2. Samantha, because she needs something a bit more cheerful to blog about.
3. Raymond, because I'm his mom and I say so!