In light of recent events, today's dirt seemed extremely relevant, so I decided to do it.
The topic...
1. Are you Catholic?
Yes, I was born, baptized, and bred Roman Catholic.
2. How do you feel about the Catholic religion?
Wow, that's a broad question! In my forty-three years, I've seen a lot of changes in the church, some good, some bad.
I miss seeing nuns wearing habits, bells being rung at consecration, kneeling for communion, anonymous confession...
On the other hand, I wish that I could have been an altar server when I was young, I'm quite pleased about the many things that women are now allowed to do that they couldn't when I was young, I most certainly do not miss the Latin (It sounded like they were talking about lunch meat to me as a child, "Salami, bologna...")
But no matter what changes have, have not, or will occur in the church, I have learned that it is a part of me that I cannot deny. Agree or disagree with its teachings, it is still a part of who I am...
3. Do you believe priests should be allowed to marry?
It sounds like an excellent idea at first, a good way to ease some of the problems within the church, but it would also create a whole new set of problems, the role of their wives in the parish, the possibility of priestly divorces...
It's a sticky situation, and I'm undecided.
4. Do you believe women should be allowed to be priests?
Yes, I do, and I think that they will eventually allow women to be ordained priests. The Catholic church is steeped in tradition, tradition that comes from a highly patriarchal society, so changes such as this will come slowly, but the foundation for this change has been laid. Hopefully I will see a woman priest in my lifetime.
I wonder...
What will we call them? Mother?
5. What do you think about The Pope's death?
I most certainly feel sad that the church and the world have lost a truly great man. He helped to promote world peace and human rights, he spoke out against hatred and racism, he knew how to forgive (even the man who tried to take his life), and he had a wonderful sense of humor. He lived what he taught.

I also know that he was suffering greatly in his final days. I am glad that his suffering has end and that he has now found peace and joy with his beloved savior in heaven.
Yikes! I sound like some sort of religious freak, and I'm not... REALLY!