1. Eye II Eye - The Scorpions I'd never travel too far from home without this one. It's one of my favorites!
2. Savage Amusement - The Scorpions Especially good for trips to Atlantic City or Wheeling because it contains the song Passion Rules The Game!
"Drove a million miles Gambling rules my life I only stop to start again..."
3. Love At First Sting - The Scorpions An absolutely classic metal album that must be played loudly and frequently!
4. Face The Heat - The Scorpions For no reason other than that I love it!
5. Decade - Neil Young To shut up those people who complain that I only listen to The Scorpions! Since this album is a two disc set, it should provide plenty of diversion...
And now for list number two...
Top 5 Songs You Sing At The Top Of Your Lungs
1. Du Bist So Schmutzig - The Scorpions What can I say? I love to freak people out by singing loudly... In German!!
2. The Mighty Quinn - Manfred Mann It's such a fun song, I just can't help myself...
"Come on without Come on within You'll not see nothing like the mighty Quinn!"
3. Bang - Gorky Park How could anyone NOT sing a song with a title like this loudly?!
4. Cinnamon Girl - Neil Young Not just loudly, in harmony as well, accompanied by some serious air guitar!
5. Armageddon It - Def Leppard Gotta love those lyrics! Sing 'em loud!