It's time to Mambo again!! Yay! The Moodylady has been thinking long and hard about the mambo this week. So hard, in fact that her brain nearly exploded. So this mambo has to be a bit easy, cos Moodylady has a headache now.
So to get warmed up...a little "I Say...You Think..." (Music style of course)
Heart: "It's deep and dark deep down in my heart..." Sting: The Police Safe:Centerfield Man:He's A Woman, She's A Man Fly:Fly Like An Eagle Real:Make It Real Hard: Hard Rock Cafe English:English Sunset
Now that we've warmed up it's time for the Mambo!
"The Last...."
Song you heard If you don't count the midi of Send Me An Angel playing on my blog, the last song that I heard was The Scorpions' Mysterious on my car stereo while coming home from work.
CD you bought I haven't bought many CDs lately. I'm currently looking for one by another band that Scorpions' drummer, James Kottak, is in, but I haven't purchased it yet. I suppose that the last CD that I bought was Bernie Barlow's Golden.
Video you watched Girls Lie Too , It's country, but it's a great song and video.
Concert you attended The Moody Blues at the Tropicana in Atlantic City on June 19, 2004
Song that made you get up and dance I'm not really much of a get up and dance sort of person, but I suppose that I did get up and dance a bit at the Moody Blues concert.
Song that really moved you emotionally Eye To Eye by The Scorpions never fails to bring a tear to my eyes.
Song that made you feel good With lyrics such as "I don't want to come in second, I just want to come" and "Got no job, got no blow, got no Monica to go to." The Scorpions' To Be No. 1 always manages to make me giggle.
Lyric you found profound.... When he's not busy writing sappy love songs, Klaus Meine can write some very profound lyrics. The anniversary of the 9/11 attacks brought to mind these lyrics from Under The Same Sun:
'Cause we all live under the same sun We all walk under the same moon Then why, why can't we live as one
I wonder... How many times can I post these same lyrics in one week?!