Brought to you by the ladies at Blogdrive Insanity!
This Hump Day, September 8th, is Nose Hair Maintenance Day .... EWWWW! Let's not go there. Instead let's pick something else to warm up for the Wednesday Mind Hump by celebrating September 9th instead which is Hot Dog Day. YAY!
Although the exact "birthday" and the "father" of the hot dog are often in contention The National Hot Dog and Sausage Council reports:
"The hot dog was invented in 1904 during the St. Louis "Louisiana Purchase Exposition" by a Bavarian concessionaire named Antoine Feuchtwanger. (Yes, that's his real name. We don't make this stuff up kids -- we just bring this insanity to you for some humpin' good fun) The first hot dog was offered without a bun and was a flop. *tee hee* It was Mrs. Feuchtwanger who suggested he offer it on a bun and thus came to be the hot dog we know and love today."
Let's warm up! Using the letters W-I-E-N-E-R-S tell us seven things someone would absolutely HAVE to know if they were considering sharing a room with you.
Will not go to bed early unless I am ill!
I am a slob.
Eats at odd hours.
Needs background noise to fall asleep.
Everyone within five miles can hear my snoring!
Ringing telephone is the only thing which will wake me.
Sleeps through all other noises, including alarm clocks going off!
Hot Diggity Dog! Now that we're warmed up let's get our buns in gear and do the Humpty Hump.
Maestro, a little humpty mood music, please!
This week, some "getting to know you" fun with a a few crazy twists.
1. Can you remember where you were in life ten years ago? If you could travel back in time and whisper something to yourself ten years ago, what would it be?
Ten years ago I was still working part time. If I could go back in time I'd tell myself to get the hell out of the post office before I had too much to lose by quitting.
2. You inherit a large piece of land and decide to build a theme park a la "Disneyland, Sea World, etc.) What would you name your theme park and what would your mascot be?
My park would be called Savage Amusement . All of the rides and other attractions would have names and themes based on the titles of Scorpions' songs or albums.
My mascots would be these guys, of course!

I would always have one of my mascots nearby...
3. Okay, let's have it! What's the craziest, most impulsive thing you've ever done. Remember, we have insane youngsters amongst us so if it's risque, clean it up.. *wink*
Erm... If I have to clean it up, there isn't really anything to tell...

4. We all have them ... bad days. If you were having a bad day what or whom would you turn to for comfort?
I turn to my CD player, especially the one in my car, since most bad days take root at work. I turn The Scorpions up to full volume and make the world go away, at least until I start moving...
5. According to the song White Rabbit, "one pill makes you larger and one pill makes you small". If you were offered these pills today, which pill would you take and why?
I want the small pill, NOW! It sounds like a much better way to lose weight than Atkins...
Okay you mad humpers -- that's it for this week.
This hump has been brought to you by those crazy chicks at BDI who are a few feathers short of a whole duck.