I went to work yesterday excited by the fact that I would finally begin training a sub of my very own. I anxiously awaited his arrival. The Monday multitude of large heavy packages did not disturb me for once. I was going to have my trainee with me on my route. I figured that my new sub could get some valuable knowledge of the locations of the houses on the route by carrying them to the door for me. I also planned on using my "The new guy always buys lunch" line on him. Devious and lazy I am! Alas, it was not to be.
Two hours ticked by, and still no sub. I bagan to feel nervous. Another hour and I was ready to load my truck. Still no sub! As I loaded my truck for the day's rounds, I noticed that the passenger seat had not been installed in the back of my truck. Terror began to set in. Had my long awaited sub changed his mind about the job before I even met him? It was time to go see the boss, I decided.
"Linda," I asked, "Where is this sub that I am supposed to be training today, and why is there no seat in the back of my truck?"
"Oh," she tells me. "There was a change in plans. Randall needed to take a driving course that begins today. If he doesn't take it now, he will have to wait another month. You will be training him next Monday. Didn't Don tell you?"
Wel, duh! Of course he didn't tell me. If he had I would not have been standing there in her office, would I? Bosses can be so daft sometimes...
Another week of anticipation ahead. At least now he has a name. Randall... I wonder what he looks like...