Hola, Humpolas. This week Hump Day is also Latin American Independence Day which commemorates Latin America's independence from Spain in 1821. However ... since we are a crazy bunch and everything we do is to the beat of a different bongo we're not going to celebrate today or tomorrow (which is Mayflower Day). Instead, we're going to celebrate yesterday. That's right, we're going to celebrate yesterday. Why? Because we're all about sharing the love and yesterday was "Hug A Crabby Stranger Day". No silly, NOT "Hump A Crabby Stranger" ... "Hug A Crabby Stranger" Humping a stranger would have a constable knocking on your door with a Restraining Order.
As a warm-up tell us about the most disastrous or embarrassing first impression you've ever made on someone.
I am not one to worry about first impressions. With me, what you see is what you get. If I've ever done anything really disasterous or embarassing upon initially meeting someone, I've locked it away in the deepest corner of my mind. Seriously, I can't think of anything!
Okay, ready or not, here come da hump!
This week an even dozen "I say ___, you think ___". Just respond with the first word, phrase or thought that leaps into your head for each word.
1. rear: Matthias Jabs has a nice one!
2. power: Power Wheels, those battery operated kiddie cars
3. straw: Straw hat
4. goosebump:
5. depend: Adult diapers! Tee hee! Depends...
6. hush: Deep Purple. Does anyone else remember that song?
7. magically:
8. bendable: Unbreakable
9. duct: Duct tape, not duck tape!
10. flip: Flip Wilson
11. anticipation: Remember those commercials for Heinz ketchup?!
12. couch: Couch potato
This concludes this week's Mind Hump. Tune in next week for an all new Mind Hump ... same hump time, same hump station!