In the Stones' song the next few words are, "You get what you need." In my life, I have discovered that this is not entirely true. Quite often I will get something that appears to be very similar to what I want, but is actually quite different. Couple this with the recent accusations of drunken carousing that "the estranged one" has made against me, and I begin to have mad wonderings...
Just suppose that The Scorpions played a show that I was able to attend. Suppose that I was lucky enough to be able to do a bit of partying with them after the show. Which band member would I wake up with?
Considering the fact that I would want it to be one of these two...
We know that it being one of them is definitely out of the question! The joy factor would be far to high.
Perhaps Pawel Maciwoda...
He's the new guy in the band. He's quite lovely and also a good seven years younger than me. Nope, it wouldn't be him. Bedding a rock star that much my junior would give me too many bragging rights. Again the joy factor eliminates a possibility.
A little more pondering, and I decide that it would probably be James Kottak with me in the morning. He is only a year younger than me, so there are no great bragging rights involved. And although I consider him to be one of the best damned drummers in the business, that's bout as far as my attraction to him goes. He's just not my type. That settles things in my mind, until I pose the question to Andrea.
She answers without a moment's hesiation, "Rudolf Schenker!"
I ponder this for a moment and decide that she is right. Waking up next to Rudolf could be quite the traumatising experience for me, in spite of his lovliness.
Consider this scenario...
Rudolf and I partake of large quantities of alcohol together. After much good natured teasing, we retire to his hotel room for some rough and tumble sex. Afterwards we drift off into a deep alcohol induced slumber.
Morning comes. I am awakened by the sound of someone pounding on the door and yelling, "Rudy, are you awake in there?"
Hearing the name, I am sent into a deep trauma. In my hung over condition, my brain can comprehend only that Rudy is the name of my BROTHER!