You are computer illiterate, so I know you will never read this. Still, there is so much I need to say. It's a shame that our relationship has come to be the way that it is, but this is not entirely my doing...
We are two very different people. Many times we have tried to ignore those differences and make things work, but in the end it never does. How many times do we have to try again before you realise that it just can't be done? Is it fair to either of us to cling to a marriage that will never be what it is supposed to be? Don't you think that we both deserve better than this farce that we are in now?
These are the facts. Yes, I am still fond of you. There may even be a part of me that still loves you, but at what cost? You seem to think that our marriage license is a one way certificate of ownership, you own me, but I do not own you. This was not the way that I interpreted our vows. I signed on for a partnership. No man will ever own this free spirit.
You complain that I am not around when you want me. At this I laugh. I was not the one who decided to take a job working the graveyard shift. I get home from my job at around 3:00 PM on most days. That leaves plenty of time for us to be together. It was your decision that sitting in a tree attempting to kill some of God's most beautiful creatures is more important than spending time with your wife. Don't go laying the blame at my feet for something for which you share the responsibility. But I forget, you do not see our marriage as a partnership, do you?
You complain that I am always off galavanting with my sister. You say that I never do anything with you. When, I ask, did you ever want to do anything with me? What interests do we share? I have a passion for music, good food, gambling, and bright sunny beaches. You prefer hunting, watching sports on television, bowling, and playing pool. Whatever do you propose that we do together?
Let's face it, the only thing that we have in common is the children that we produced together. Our attitudes towards life are quite different. I doubt that we will ever be able to agree.
Of course there is the issue of sex. I won't lie and say that it isn't good, but I want more from a relationship than just that. I want a friend, a companion, someone to talk to, someone to share my joys and sorrows. You seem to take no interest in any of this, and quite frankly, good sex alone just isn't enough for me. It shouldn't be enough for you either.
Please, I beg of you, let me go. It may be difficult, but I am certain we can come to an equitable agreement. I am not looking to keep your one minor child from you. I am not looking to take anything away from you. All I want is for us both to be able to have a chance to be happy. Isn't it clear to you by now that we will never find happiness together?