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Female/41-45. Lives in United States/Pennsylvania/Charleroi, speaks English. My interests are The Scorpions/Guitars.

United States, Pennsylvania, Charleroi, English, Female, 41-45, The Scorpions, Guitars.

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You got no vision in your head
You got no vision
You're better dead!
~Klaus Meine~

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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Wacky Wednesday

This hump day has been a rather strange one for me. Weird things, annoying things, and just plain stupid things have been happening all day long, leaving me with a desperate need to rant.

It all started when I got to work today. I noticed that our boss was annoting the days that we exceded our evaluated times with brilliant yellow highlighter. The other RD ladies and I approached him about this. He explained to us that the Pittsburgh pencil pushers had a new gripe, you guessed it, RD hours. So we told him that we'd be more than happy to get our jobs done in the evaluated times or less, if only they would cut the amount of mail that they send us back to what we had when the evaluations were formulated. Barring this, finishing our work in the amount of time we are given is a physical impossibility! We just can't do double or triple the work in the same amount of time.

My real complaint is not with my boss, though. It is with his IDIOT bosses in Pittsburgh. You see, rural mail carriers are paid a salary based on a count of our mail that is done in late February and early March. It matters not whether we work 30, 40, or 50 hours in a week. Our pay remains the same. We are NOT paid any overtime unless we excede 2080 hours in the physcal year. I've been on my route for nearly eight years now and this has never happened yet! Why should the number of hours that we are working matter to these jerks? They are getting the extra work, free of charge. I have to wonder where they keep their brains.

When I headed out to my route one of my customers was waiting for me, eager to share the results of yesterday's election. There was a certain candidate that I particularly despised, due to some unfounded accusations that he made against me and one other carrier. He seemed to think that we were doing something with his campaign ads, other than delivering them. We were singlehandedly undermining his campaign! I wanted this asshole to lose. Alas, this was not the case. He is now the new magisterial district judge in the Monongahela area. I guess that we just didn't undermine his campaign well enough...

Seriously, I cannot understand the stupidity of the American voting public. If it's not bad enough that Bush got re-elected last year, now we've got to deal with this jerk locally. What I don't understand is why he was allowed to run for this office in the first place. He is a former police officer in the district in which he was elected. I do not believe for one minute that he is capable of passing down an impartial decision in any case given his prior employment, yet people voted for him. Do they not bother to think that someday they might be the ones being accused of some offense? I know one thing, if I were accused, justly or otherwise, of an offense, I wouldn't want a former cop sitting in judgement of me. Where the hell do you think his sympathies will lie?! People are just so fucking stupid.

Finally, we have the storms and subsequent power outages of today. I was at my mom's house watching a bit of TV at around 8:00 PM whe the power went out. It is now nearly midnight and as far as I know, their power still has not been restored. Fortunately, I arrived at home to discover that my home was uneffected by the power outage. I shall have to set several alarm clocks tonight. For once in my life it will be my duty to make sure that everyone over there is awake at the appointed time. This makes me nervous. I don't awaken well to alarm clocks. I probably won't get much sleep tonight.

I need some hump day hunks to get me through all of this...

The hunks are (in order of appearance):
Matthias Jabs, Rudolf Sckenker, Klaus Meine, and Francis Buchholz.