Something needs to be done about senior citizens behind the wheels of cars. Once more I was hit by some 80+ year old driver who backed into my dear Candace in a parking lot. It was a small lot, and I was behind her, waiting for a break in traffic so that I could exit the lot. She backed her car out of her parking space, right into my bumper, despite warnings from her son and a store emploee that there was a car behind her. Thankfully, neither of our vehicles were damaged. She claims that she didn't see me. I'm not certain whether that was due to poor vision or her failing to look. Obviously she has some hearing problems, since at least two people were trying to warn her of my presence.
This gives me serious doubts about our state's driver's licensing system. Shouldn't people have to be retested at some point, just to be certain that they still have the physical and mental ability to retain proper control of a motor vehicle? There are not many people out there who would be willing to give up their driving priveledges, even if they knew themselves to be incapacitated. To do so is a great peril to their independence. I know that I probably wouldn't willingly give up my license in such a situation. I certainly hope that someone would have the wisdom to take it away, before I hurt someone.
I guess this is troubling me so much because this is not the first time something like this has happened to me. Four years ago, my car was totaled by an elderly lady who pulled away from a stop sign , right in front of me! I hit the brakes, but there was not enough time to stop. I had no choice but to hit her. The police declared the accident to be her fault. She too, claimed that she did not see me. How, I ask, can these old ladies fail to see bright RED cars?! (Yeah, I have a thing for red cars. My last three cars have been red.)