New Orleans, one of the poorest cities in this fair nation, lies in ruin due to the effects of hurricane Katrina. Yes, my dear European friends, we've got plenty of poor people here in the U. S. Poor decisions by our government have left these poor folks waiting by far too long to receive the help that they need. They are sick, they are tired, they are angry. Many are dying. The delay in getting these people the help that they so desperately need makes a sad statement about those in leadership in this country.
And so I think that someone outside this nation should do something to give those in this country a wake up call to the needs of our own people. And I think that I know the perfect non-Americans to do it. Klaus, Rudolf, Matthias, I have an insane idea that could be beneficial to both you and those unfortunate people in New Orleans. You've already got the perfect song that with a bit of lyrical editing could be re-released as a way to raise funds for the cause, Rock You Like A Hurricane! If you need any help editing those lyrics for this purpose, I'd be more than willing offer my assistance. The American people are familiar with that song. Hell, they love that song! It would sell like hotcakes, especially if a portion of the sales were donated tho the American Red Cross to be used for hurricane relief. And just think about what it would do for the band's fan base in this country. They'd finally realise that The Scorpions are still out there making kick ass music. You'd be freaking heroes for helping those people, and people here would start buying all of your albums like crazy. Everybody would win in the end.