Move over David Copperfield, Lady Starlight has come to town! I may not be able to make the Statue of liberty disappear, but I can make a grown man vanish for several days just by uttering a few simple words. I can, of course, make him reappear using yet another simple phrase. Pretty good, huh?
Now, unlike most magicians, I am going to reveal to you the secret of my magic.
The incredible disappearing man is "the estranged one." In order to make him vanish, all I needed to do was utter the phrase, "Why don't we go to Kennywood on Labor Day?" I haven't seen or heard from him since. This phrase works so well because it seems that it is some sort of unforgivable sin for any member of his family to do anything on a summer holiday other than gather at Mom's house for the customary picnic of burned burgers and yellow potato salad. BLECH! You'd think that after twenty odd years I'd know this. Well, maybe I did.
Not to worry, though. I am 100% certain that the words "I've got a coupon for Olive Garden that expires today. Wanna go?" will make him reappear just as quickly as he vanshed...