Sometimes a girl just needs to rant. This is one of those times...
Random Rant #1
Newsflash, people! The telephone book is NOT, I repeat NOT, an address book. Quite often the addresses listed with the phone numbers are incomplete or incorrect. Give overworked and underpaid mail carriers a break. Instead of mailing that birthday card for Joe Schmoe to the address listed in the phone book, give him a call. Ask good old Joe for his correct mailing address. His mail carrier will thank you for it.
Random Rant #2
Why does Matthias Jabs always seemed to get cheated out of the credit that he is due?! As if it isn't bad enough that Guitar World magazine passed him over for Uli Jon Roth in their list of the top 100 metal guitarists last year, now it seems that someone out there doesn't want him to get proper credit for the songs that he's written. I refer, of course, to
Deep And Dark. First there was the error in the liner notes of the German released CD which incorrectly stated that the music to this song was written By Rudolf Schenker. One listen to the song and you could clearly tell this was an error. Anyone familiar with his style can tell you that this song practically screams Matthias Jabs. I thought that all was well when the misinformation was corrected on the American release, not so. When I was finally able to rip the track to my computer, I discover that the providers of the song information for Media Player and Sony think that Rudolf and Matthias collaborated on the music. Now, I've got nothing against Rudolf but for crying out loud...

Don't cheat him because he's beautiful...
Random Rant #3
Why is broadband internet service so freaking expensive?! My newly found passion for playing with music files has cased me to loathe the slowness of my dial-up connection. I want DSL! But $50 amonth plus costs for the needed equipment....? Damn, I ve got children to feed and clothe! Sure many ISPs will offer a free router or lower price, but read the fine print. The router is only free after rebate in most instances. You've still got to have the cash to shell out initially. And those lower prices...
They usually expire after a short period of time, usually three months to a year... ARRGH!
Random Rant #4
A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, but still, wouldn't it just be lovely if people would make the effort to spell everbody's name correctly?! I refer again to the jackasses providing song information to Media Player and Sony. It's James Kottak, not Kottack! You got it right on the first song, why couldn't you spell it correctly on the other two? I think that James should start a blog and rant on and on about idiots who can't spell his name (Kinda like Justin Heyward...Erm...Hayward). I'd visit it daily and giggle.
Ranom Rant #5
Why is it that you seldom hear the words Neil Young and guitar god used in the same sentence? You really should be hearing it all the time. Have a listen to Like A Hurricane if you don't believe me. The guitar work on this song completely blows me away! Yeah, Neil does like to say what's on his mind without giving much consideration to what other people might think, but that's no reason to slight his abilities as a guitarist...

Again, don't hate him because he's beautiful...
(And perhaps a bit too outspoken)
~ This concludes my rants for today ~