Name 3 (or more, or less!) things...
1. cannot live without.
In pictures...



2. CAN live without, but cannot seem to part with.
1. My NeoPets
2. The estranged one
3. Those ?? extra pounds that I have on my body
3. wish to accomplish this COMING week.
1. Get the $#@% car inspected
2. Enjoy my day off work on Thursday. Veteran's Day, Yippee!
3. Tell the estranged one about the unpleasant letter he got in the mail the other day.
4. have accomplished this PAST week.
1. Voted on Tuesday
2. Got the electric bill paid
3.Got my fat butt to Curves a couple of times
5. ...on your holiday (or non-holiday) 'wish list.'
1. A white Gibson 76 Explorer
2. An all expenses paid trip to see The Scorpions in concert (preferably in Germany), complete with backstage passes
3. Matthias Jabs in my bed!
6. would like to change about yourself.
1. My weight
2. My marital status
3. My job
7. like about yourself.
1. My uncanny ability to remain calm in emergencies. I don't fall apart until afterwards.
2. My snarkiness. I enjoy being snarky. I'm not changing for anybody!
3. My love for animals. They're so much better than people...
8. should be doing right now instead of what you ARE doing.
One thing... Sleeping! It's 1:15 A. M.
9. your life that could use a little more organization.
1. My time. I never seem to have enough of it!
2. My house. It looks like a pig sty!
3. My purse. There's way too much junk in there!