Let's start with a bit about reading in this week's Thursday Bookworm!
"All books are either dreams or swords, You can cut, or you can drug, with words."
~ Amy Lowell ~
This week, the Worm is discussing those that wield the "dreams" and "swords" we read... the authors.
1. Do you have a favorite author? Who is it, and which of their works do you recommend that we read? (If you have more than one, feel free to list them!)
Most of my favorite novels are either science fiction or tales of vampires. There are so many good authors out there that it would be impossible to choose just one. Among my favorite authors are, Anne Rice, P. N. Elrod, Terry Pratchet, Anne McCaffery, and C. J. Cherryh.
The work which I would most reccommend is Cherryh's Foreigner trilogy. I picked up a copy of the first novel in the series at a flea market for fifty cents. It was the best half dollar that I ever spent on a book. The novel held me spellbound! The next two books in the series were of equal quality.
2. Who would you consider your least-favorite author? How many books have you read by this person, and why do you dislike her? (Again, if there is more than one, list away!)
I am ashamed to admit that I have read at least six books which were written by V. C. Andrews. I have no clue as to why I chose to read so many of this woman's incest laden tales which totally lack any reference point in time. Perhaps I thought that one of them might be better than the last. Unfortunately, this was not true. They got worse. What is really scary is that this woman continues to write novels from beyond the grave!
3. Do you ever purchase a book solely based on the author's name, without even knowing what the book is about? Have you ever been disappointed by something he or she wrote?
Hasn't everyone? Usually I am not disappointed, but it has happened on occasion, such as with Anne Rice's Tale Of The Body Thief.
4. Have you ever met one of your favorite authors, such as at a book signing or a reading? Did he act as you had expected, or was he completely different from the way you had pictured him?
Unfortunately, I have never had the opportunity to do this.
5. Do you check out your favorite author's website or blog on a regular basis?
Not really, but I do stop by The Science Fiction Book Club on occasion to see what is available.
Now, let's head off to the movies with this week's Theater Thursday!
The Classics.
Everyone has her own idea of what a classic movie is. Most would put films such as The Wizard Of Oz, Casablanca, and The Godfather on the classics list. We want to know what you think. So this week, there is just one question. What is classic to you?
Give us your list of YOUR top 10 "classic" films.
1. Gone With The Wind
2. It's A Wonderful Life
3. Bringing Up Baby
4. The Sound Of Music
5. Jet Pilot (The only John Wayne film I ever liked.)
6. Tootsie
7. 101 Dalmatians (Original animated version)
8. Help!
9. The Singing Nun
10. Hello Dolly
Although these movies vary greatly in style and content, I could watch any one of them over and over, and over...