Brought to you by the ladies at Blogdrive Insanity!
Ahhh, Wednesday ...
Don't you just love Wednesdays? Sandwiched between Tuesday and Thursday, Wednesday's are just delicious aren't they? How appropriate that today we celebrate Sandwich Day which commemorates the creation of the sandwich by the 4th Earl of Sandwich, John Montague, in 1762. What a concept!
Let's get creative ourselves and warm up for the today's Mind Hump. Make a "you" sandwich. What or whom would you like to be sandwiched between. Example: I'd like to be sandwiched between William H. Gates III and Warren E. Buffett on the Forbes Richest People list. Or ... whipped cream and strawberries. You get the idea. Remember, we have youngsters in our ranks so let's not be too graphic. *wink*
I want to be sandwiched between Matthias Jabs and Klaus Meine on the cover of the next Scorpions' album or just about anywhere, really!
On with the HUMP!
1. You have a magic faucet in your home that dispenses whatever you want in unlimited quantities -- it will never run dry. What is it that flows from your faucet?
Why, money, of course!
2. On your way to work/school you see a billboard with you on it which advertises your best character or physical attribute. What sort of picture would be on the billboard and what would the one-line advertisement say?
I'll leave you to guess which of my physical attributes will be displayed on the sign, but the ad will read, "It's the real thing!"
3. Using the letters of the title of your blog or your internet nick, create a list of things for which you are thankful.
I'll go with my internet nickname, since my blog title is so long...
Loving family
Asian food. Yum!
Dogs who love me unconditionally
Yearly mail counts. Perhaps the next one will get me Saturdays off!
Scorpions guitarist, Matthias Jabs
Twelve string guitars made by Fender
All of my friends, near and far
Robes of fuzzy fleece on cold winter nights
Little children who make me smile
Idle time to rest my weary mind and body
Good jokes to make me laugh
Helpful son, Michael, who actually enjoys housecleaning
Tears to help me wash away my sorrows.
4. You've heard the terms King of Pop and Drama Queen. Thinking along the same lines, what would you be king or queen of?
We joke about this at work. I am Her Majesty the Queen of The Post Office!
5. You are a social police officer and have the authority to approach people and ticket them for their offenses -- like The Fashion Police or the Manners Police. What police force would you be on and what sort of tickets would you issue?
Beware, for I am a high ranking officer in The Grammar Gestapo! Punishment for abusing and misusing the English language will be severe!