"The finest qualities of our nature, like the bloom on fruits, can be preserved only by the most delicate handling. Yet we do not treat ourselves nor one another thus tenderly." ~ Henry David Thoreau ~
1. What is your favorite vegetable and your favorite fruit? Popeye would be so proud of me. I love spinach! As for fruits, it is difficult to decide. I don't think that I can. Citrus, peaches, berries, cherries... Nope, I love them all!
2. How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you eat a day? You mistake me for someone who counts these things. I don't. No meal would be complete without at least one fruit and vegetable though.
3. Did your parents force you to eat vegetables when you were younger? I was never forced by my parents to eat anything that I didn't like. My mom only insisted that I try a bite of a new thing before deciding that I didn't like it. I was often pleasantly surprised to discover that things I thought would be horrible were quite good. Thanks, Mom!
4. What vegetable can you absolutely just not get down, no matter what you are bribed with? Raw tomatoes, yuck! Once they are cooked, they're great, but raw ones make me gag. And, yes, tomatoes are a vegetable. Anything that comes from a plant is a vegetable. They are also a fruit, because all fruits are vegetables, but not all vegetables are fruits! So there!
5. What is your favorite way to eat fruit? In the immortal words of Weird Al Yankovic... "Eat it! Just eat it!"