This week's questions are all about computers! Let's play, shall we??? (and let's make it fill-in-the-blanks....)
1. I have reformatted my hard drive one time. With the addition of system restore to Windows, reformatting is only necessary after a total disaster! I've never had to reformat my laptop. Thank goodness, since I don't have a Windows disc for it.
2. I usually reformat my hard drive about zero times a year. Running a system restore will remedy most problems.
3. When I'm working in a document, I save about every five minutes. This is only a guess. I usually save a document after writing a paragraph or two, more frequently if I'm using my laptop on the battery. I've never really timed it.
4. I've upgraded my computer by adding a DVD ROM drive, 128 mb of SD RAM, and Windows XP. I did most of it myself, too!
5. I've got about two or three CD's/floppies with info on them and none of them aren't labeled. I used to have a lot more, not labeled. They all managed to get lost or destroyed, so now I label everything or put it on my handy dandy jump drive.
6. Since I've been using my computer, I find the easiest way to organize my files is to categorize. (Looking for suggestions!!) Folders and subfolders galore! I have a category for everything! If I'm looking for a picture of The Scorpions, I know that it is in My Documents, folder My Pictures, subfolder Scorps! I wouldn't want to lose any of those!
7. I have too many email accounts.
I've lost track of most of them. I use my Yahoo! Mail account almost exclusively now. None of the others had a decent spam filter. I hate spam! And I'm not talking about this...
8. Whenever I have a computer-related question, I usually call my brother. When my number turns up on his caller ID, he usually answers by asking what is wrong with my computer! I really should call him more often!
9. I usually use a search engine when looking for images. In case you haven't noticed, I'm all about images!
10. My computer is about four years old. I've upgraded it quite a bit. I have no fear of playing with the innards of my machine, so I have no plans to buy a new one any time in the near future.