I haven't done this meme for a while, but today's questions are irresistably funny!
Silly Questions
1. If olive oil is made out of olives, what is baby oil made out of?
Following that line of logic...
I don't think that I want to know!
2. If gas stations are open 24/7, why do they have locks on the doors?
If you had ever worked at a gas station, you would know that the locks are there to keep the overworked and underpaid employees in!
3. Who really did " let the dogs out "?
I confess. It was me. I did it! I let the dogs out!

4. How do you know when you run out of invisible ink?
It beats the hell out of me!

5. Why is it called MENstruation?
Because WOMANstruation would be too difficult to pronounce!