I blog on happily, doing my memes. I play with my NeoPets. I go to Curves in the hopes of becoming thin again. Right now I'll do just about anything to avoid the really pressing issue in my life, which would be what happened to "the estranged one."
I got a call late on Sunday night. It was my niece, calling me to tell me that he was in the hospital. He had collapsed in a seizure during dinner at a local restaurant. The doctors had found a brain tumor...
Needless to say, I am upset. Our marriage, per se, has been over for a long time, but I have two children with this man. He was once the whole world to me. I can't not feel anything. I'm scared.
Due to our lack of a divorce (There is no legal separation in Pennsylvania) I am still financially responsible for him and his medical care. I have medical insurance for him, but I do not know what the copayments are or what is covered. At least it as not as bad as I had expected though. He confessed to me yesterday that our mortgage has been paid in full as well as the loan for his car. That was a shock in itself.
I am now driving said car, so that it does not become damaged from a lengthy period of disuse. When I went to pick it up, I made a rather interesting discovery. There was an electric bill among all of the trash collecting in the vehicle. I looked at it, thinking that he had taken it from our mailbox. He had not. It was addressed to some woman named Darla! I presented it to him in his hospital bed and asked who she was. He said that I already knew. "Your girlfriend?" I asked. He answered in the affirmative. Finally, he admitted it! I can handle this. At least it has opened the channels for talk of divorce when this is all over. Still, it was a very odd way to discover what I had known all along.
I'm having a John Lennon moment...
"Nobody told me there'd be days like these. Nobody told me there'd be days like these. Strange days indeed!"