1. What's your name spelt backwards? Let's see if I can do this. First and middle names backwards: Harobed Eiram
2. Were you named after anyone, if so whom? My first name is just a name that my mother happened to like, but since at the time I was born all Catholics had to be named after a recognised saint, I was given the middle name Marie after the Virgin Mary. Not a very appropriate choice, considering the sex-obsessed individual that I became!
3. If you had twins would you call them matching names like Bill and Bob? Absolutely no way! I find the practice of naming twins rhyming, aliterated or other sing-songy names disgusting. I also would not dress them alike, another practice which I abhor.
4. What do you call your kids? I call my kids lots of things, but their names are Raymond Scott Jr. and Michael Andrew.
5. What's the weirdest name you've ever come across? I giggle about this one every day. There is a man on my mail route named Richard Dick. Tee Hee! Dick Dick, so nice, they named him twice! The guy is a real character too! Is it any wonder, with a name like that?