Theater Thursday
Movie-Going Habits
So, you're going to the movies. We know all about which ones you like, which ones you don't like, your criticisms, your raves, your rants....
Eh. Let's get to the real stuff. What are your movie-going habits?
1. Do you go to the movies alone or with friends/family? Do you know exactly what movie you're going to see before you get there, or do you stand for 30 minutes outside the box office trying to decide between Pauly Shore and Meryl Streep?
If I want to watch a movie alone, I rent a movie or order pay-per-view. When I go to the theater I want to have someone with me. It's no fun sitting in the theater all by my lonesome!
Usually the decision about what we're seeing is made long before leaving for the theater, but there have been occasions when going to the theater has been a last minute thing. I can remember one time when I was with my family and we just couldn't agree. Ray and his dad went to see one movie, while Mike and I went to see another.
2. When you go to the movies, do you usually buy:
a) Popcorn? What do you put on it?
b) Cokes? What's your favorite?
c) Candy? What gets stuck most in your teeth?
d) Other (hot dog, nachos, sushi)?
It just wouldn't be a proper movie going experience without plenty of lavishly buttered popcorn! And if we're going to eat all of that popcorn, it is an absolute necessity to have some sort of soda to wash it down. Depending on what the theater has on special I will either get a Diet Coke for myself or order a large regular Coke for everyone to share. If the theater's concession special incudes candy, snowcaps are my favorite choice. I seldom get anything that is not included in the special because concession prices are ridiculously high.
3. Do you like it loud and raucous in the theater, or do you immediately stuff crying babies in the nearest waste can? Do you talk back to the screen and interact with the movie, or do you sink way down in your seat and just experience it?
I don't mind a little hushed talking during a movie. I've been known to do this myself. But I see no sense in bringing small screaming children who run up and down the aisles or "mentally challenged" people who scream out nonsense incessantly to the theater. I paid good money to see the film and these things are very distracting. Get a babysitter, people!
BONUS~ What's your favorite, most memorable movie-going experience? What experience almost or maybe did make you vow never to darken the door of a cineplex again?
I can remember going with a bunch of friends to see our very first X-Rated film, Caligula. It was really gross, but we had fun.
The worst experience that I ever had in a movie theater occurred when I was just a little girl, not even in school yet. I had put my feet up on the empty seat in front of mine and my ankle slid down and got stuck between the seats. I was terrified. An usher had to come to help get me "unstuck." I bet that my mom wanted to crawl under a rock and hide.