What is your naughty little impulse ever acted upon? Ever wanted to kiss your boss? Do you often feel like telling your mother-in-law that she’s a self-centered, controlling witch—over Thanksgiving Dinner? Do you sometimes feel the compulsion to pick up your man’s dirty socks, which are constantly strewn about the floor irresponsibly, and ball it into his sleeping, snore-opened mouth? Ever wanted to steal something just for the thrill of it? Or is your impulse more along the lines of seducing that hunk from the mail room? Tell us about some naughty impulse you’ve had—or have frequently—and the circumstances surrounding it.
Lady Starlight has given in to so many naughty little impulses that she couldn't possibly list them all in one post! What can I say? Self control is not my strong suit! Due to the lack of room, I shall relate to you only the most recent incident.
Because of the things which have happened recently, I was forced to call my mother-in-law about some matters regarding insurance coverage. My mother-in-law is a very nice lady. I have nothing against her, but she is a religious fanatic of the fundamentalist Christian kind. ARGH! After we discussed the insurance matters, she proceded to tell me how she was praying, and that Jesus was going to take care of everything. Without much thought, I told her to pray all she wanted, but I was placing my trust in the hands of the doctors. That was a huge mistake. I then got a lecture on how I needed to "find Jesus" if I wanted to get into heaven.
Find Jesus? I thought. I wasn't aware that he was lost. I passed on the naughty impulse to tell her that. Instead I went with another. I told her that perhaps I didn't want to go to heaven, a place filled with people who placed their faith in a book of fairy tales written two thousand years ago by not so intelligent human beings. Yes, I was talking about The Bible. This left her flabbergasted, and probably quite certain that I am going straight to Hell. Oh, well. When I get there, I am sure to meet plenty of my friends...
I am quite aware that this was not a very nice thing for me to say, but I just wasn't in the mood to listen to her religious bull crap!