Monday Music Mambo
Brought to you by the ladies at Blogdrive Insanity!
It's all about "YOU!"
1. Name the song you just know was written just about you.
Klaus and Matthias conspired to write this one which I just Know is about me! Du Bist So Schmutzig. Dammit, it's in Deutsch, but I can translate a little bit of it.
"Du bist so schmutzig, und doch so schön, Oh du meine phantasie!"
Translation: You are so dirty and yet so beautiful. Oh, you're my fantasy!
Yep, it's about me!
2. What song do you wish that you had written?
The world needs more silly happy Christmas songs. I wish that I had written Don't Need A Reindeer, but the honors go to Justin Hayward.
3. What song makes a strong statement with which you agree?
That would definitely be The Scorpions' Under The Same Sun.
I saw the morning
It was shattered by a gun
Heard a scream, saw him fall, no one cried
I saw a mother
She was praying for her son
Bring him back, let him live, don't let him die
Do you ever ask yourself
Is there a heaven in the sky
Why can't we get it right
'Cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one
I saw the evening
Fading shadows one by one
We watch the lamb, lay down to the sacrifice
I saw the children
Children of the son
How they wept, how they bled, how they died
Do you ever ask yourself
Is there a heaven in the sky
Why can't we stop the fight
'Cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one
Sometimes I think I'm going mad
We're losing all we had and no one seems to care
But in my heart it doesn't change
We've got to rearrange and bring our world some love
And does it really matter
If there's a heaven up above
We sure could use some love
'Cause we all live under the same sun
We all walk under the same moon
Then why, why can't we live as one
'Cause we all live under the same sky
We all look up at the same stars
Then why, tell me why can't we live as one.
4. What song best describes the mood you're in now?
I guess that would have to be Magic by The Moody Blues. Just like John, I'm in a state of permanent confusion!
5. What is the most annoying song that has ever gotten stuck in your head?
In nearly forty-three years of life, I've had LOTS of annoying songs stuck in my head. The list is so long that it would be quite difficult to choose. Most of the songs at the top of the list would be ones from my Girl Scout Leader days. Songs like I Wish I Was A Fishie In The Sea and the likes. What is even more annoying is when one of these songs plays itself halfway through in my head and I discover that I have forgotten some of the words!
6. You are asked to DJ one hour on your favorite radio station. What are some of the bands and/or songs that you would feature in your hour?
Me, a D J? What a hoot! For the record, let me state that I once dated a Pittsburgh DJ for several years. The experience taught me to hate radio. So...
If I'm gonna be a D J, I must also own the radio station. That being the case, welcome to The Scorpions Hour on WSCP!
There you go, mamboers. It's the mambo that's all about you. Now go forth and mambo. Mambo like you really mean it. Mambo like there's no tomorrow.
Loads of mamboey hugs from all of us wacked out loons that have mamboed one time too many.