It's been a while since I added to the list and since I've been feeling just a tiny bit annoyed these last few days...
Annoying thing #10: Cell phone batteries. Why do they always seem to die when you need the phone the most?! Car broken down in the middle of nowhere, important phone call to be made or received while online, those batteries will be dead every time!
Annoying thing #11: People who insist upon voicing their political views at work. This subject is supposed to be taboo for employees of the USPS while at work, but that does not stop the lone republican in our office from ranting on and on about how George W. Bush is such a great Christian leader and how those of us who support Kerry are going against all Christian beliefs. Excuse me, but I wasn't aware that Jesus was taking sides in this election. I could have even sworn that he believed in staying out of political matters from a religious viewpoint. Didn't he say, "Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and unto God what belongs to God"? And isn't religion supposed to be an off limits topic in the office as well?
Why doesn't management do something about this? Every time this guy gets on his soap box, I get the urge to do this or this!
Annoying thing #12: Bigots. If you're going to hate someone, you had damn well have a better reason than the color of her skin. It is my experience that good people come in all sizes, shapes and colors. The same can be said for the bad. Get to know a person before you start hating. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Annoying thing #13: Being the bearer of bad news. Something happened to "the estranged one" today and it fell upon me to tell my sons the news. What it was is an entirely different post which I shall cover tomorrow when I know a bit more. Suffice it to say I'm a bit upset, a little bit more scared, and feeling a tad bit guilty. Dammit, I know that I could not have possibly wished this upon him! I really wish that someone else could have told my kids about this...
That's enough ranting for now. I think that I shall go off to a corner and worry now.