In just a couple of days, October 2nd to be exact, we'll be celebrating "Name Your Car Day!" Beep beep! Now we all know that the heap of nuts and bolts parked outside has probably been given many names in the past (but !^%& is very hard to pronounce)!! For this week's pre-hump tell us if your car has a name, what it is and why...or if you don't have a car, how about your computer? And if you haven't already named one or the other, now's the time!
Meet Sarah the Sunbird. Lady Starlight likes aliteration!
Sarah may be old and beat up, but she's 100% mine! I love her.
OK, fellow loonatics, time for the Hump! An even dozen "I say ___, you think ___". Just jot down the first word that comes to mind when you read the following...ready, set, H U M P !!
1. jungle: George of the Jungle 2. paper bag: Wearing these over their heads would make some men much more attractive! 3. wollop: Slug 4. oops: Sorry about that... 5. block: What I have in place in my comments to frustrate Moody Bitches 6. remnant: Carpet leftover 7. knickknack: Something that sits upon a shelf, collecting dust 8. utter: Utter foolishness, that's what this is! 9. crevice: Cracks and crevices 10. lollipop: Lollipop! Lollipop! Oh, lolly lollipop! Lollipop! 11. drip: Chinese water torture 12. blue The Moody Blues
The oh-so-cwazy Wednesday Mind Hump, brought to you by that gang of brain-cell challenged gals of BDInsanity! See you next Hump Day.