Flowers "Arranging a bowl of flowers in the morning can give a sense of quiet in a crowded day - like writing a poem, or saying a prayer." ~Anne Morrow Lindbergh~
1. If you had a wedding, what flowers did you have at your wedding? I still have my flowers from my wedding, a beautiful reminder of the biggest mistake that I ever made. The bouquet is one of silk roses in shades of pale blue and white. It's a bit rumpled and dusty after nineteen years, but it's still intact.
2. What is your favorite flower? Such a difficult decision! There are so many beautiful types of flowers.
Roses are definitely one of my favorites. I am also quite fond of tulips.
3. Do you have flowers as part of your landscaping outside or your interior decor? I don't much care for cut flowers and I tend to kill potted plants, so there are no flowers inside my home. Outside is entirely different. In the spring my fenceline is littered with tulips and daffodils. For the rest of the growing season I have a large rose bush of red surrounded by marigolds growing at the base of my front porch.
4. If you went to your high school prom, what kind of flower did you wear in your corsage? Ther is a funny thing about the guys that I knew in high school, most of them tended to see me as one of their buddies rather than as a girlfriend. Everyone knows that you don't take one of your buddies to the prom, and since these events were only for couples at that time, I never attended one. No prom equals no flowers.
5. Do you like to receive flowers as a gift or do you think it is a waste of money? Generally I think that the price of most flowers is by far too high for something that is only temporary. There is also something rather unpleasantly symbolic about this. Like most romantic relationships, they last only for a short time, then whither away and die. I prefer not to receive flowers as a gift.