1. Pet Peeves: People who don't know the difference between your and you're, they're and their, then and than, its and it's, etc.
Seeing a plural pronoun used to refer to a singular noun.
Hearing the word nuclear pronounced nucular! There is only one U in the word.
* The Grammar Nazi has spoken *
2. Favorite Sounds: Matthias Jabs' guitar
Klaus Meine's voice
My Fender twelve string guitar
3. Desk Items: Computer
Ash tray
4. Biggest Fears: Heights, more spcefically, falling from them!
Losing a loved one. I don't handle death well.
Moody Bitches. Those "ladies" scare me!
5. Biggest Challenges: Reaching items on the top shelf at the supermarket. I'm only a fraction of an inch taller than five feet.
Training my new "virgin" sub. I've trained several people on various routes before, but this is the first time that I've had to train someone who is totally new to the USPS.
Thinking of answers to all of these questions!
6. Newest 'Toys': Digital camera
Portable CD player for my car
Laptop computer. I've had it for over a year, but it's still one of my newest toys. I don't buy myself toys often. They're too expensive!
7. Most Used Words: Fuck!
I should have been in the Navy. I cuss like a sailor!
8. Most Misspelled Words: "The Grammar Nazi" does not misspell words! There is a dictionary at her side to prevent this from happening.
9. Favorite Disney Characters: Herbie, the VW with a mind of his own in the Love Bug Movies.
Mulan. I loved that movie, even though it seems that no one else did!