Part One
This list is going to be long, so I shall be dividing it into several posts over the next few weeks. Come, all, comiserate with me, get angry at me or just have a good chuckle at the expense of the idiots who inhabit planet earth!
Annoying thing #1: The employees at the West Mifflin Best Buy. I was there today with my eighteen yer old son. He was purchasing one of those "Mature" rated video games. The woman working the register refused to sell it to him because he does not drive and therefore has no photo ID. Even when I stated that I was his mother and that he was in fact over the age of eighteen, they still would not allow him to purchase it. I had to take his goddamned money and purchase it for him!
This brings to mind...
Annoying thing #2: Video game ratings. For crying out loud, people, they're only games! They are fantasy, not reality. These games provide a much needed outlet for many of the nasty tendencies that are part of human nature. No one has ever committed a violent act because of what he has seen in a game. If he claims that he has, he is merely making excuses. These excuses are no more valid than the classic "The dog ate my homework!"
Oh, you say, some of these games contain *gasp* nudity! Big deal. It is not even a REAL human body, it's computer generated animation. Even if it were, what's the big deal? We all come into this world naked, why should what a human body looks like be such a big secret?
But there may be profanity or sexual content, you argue. To that I say, pull your head out of your ass. You've been breathing those methane fumes by far too long! If you've sent your little darlings off to school, they have already seen and heard all sorts of these things from all of their innocent little peers, probably even before they reached the first grade!
Annoying thing #3: Censorsip in general. I thought that we were supposed to have freedom of speech in this country...
Annoying thing #4: Religious fanatics. Quit trying to foist your ideas about god upon me. I have my own, thank you very much. I am quite happy for you that you have found your peace with your higher power, but what works for you may not work for me. Leave me the hell alone!
Annoying thing #5: The war in Iraq. Certainly Saddam Hussein was an evil dictator who needed to be removed from power. There is no doubt of that. What I question is why our president felt that it was the responsibility of the United States to do so. The Iraqi people were not the ones responsible for the terrorist attacks on our country. All of our allies, except for the UK, advised us against entering this conflict. There were NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And foremost, the Iraqi people did not ask our aid in removing Hussein from power. We now appear to be a bunch of big bullies to the rest of the world. Millions of dollars must now be spent helping the Iraqi people rebuild, while Americans who have been devastasted by the recent hurricanes and susequent flooding will probably be unable to receive adequate aid. Osama Bin Laden remains at large...
Screw you, Mr. Bush. I'm voting for John Kerry!
This concludes today's rant.