Another selection of questions suggested by our fellow participants!! Have fun!! =)
1. If you could only take one item with you on to a desserted island what book, movie, music would you take? No question about it, if I didn't have the sound of Klaus Meine's voice ringing in my ears at some point of the day I would go positively insane. I'd have to have a Scorpions CD with me, the only question is, Which one? Eye II Eye and Unbreakable would be difficult to choose between. I suppose I would have to toss a coin.
And the winner is...
2. What's the most disgusting thing that you have ever eaten or even just put in your mouth? When I was in elementary school, one of my teachers made everyone in the class sample a bit of blood pudding. EWWWWW! Gross! That was many years ago, but it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth just thinking about it!
3. What one thing would you do differently if given the chance? I'd like to say that I never would have married "the estranged one", but if I hadn't, my youngest son would never have been born. I guess I'll go for something a little less monumental. I never should have put my handmade classical and Yamaha twelve string into storage. They would not be missing now if I hadn't!
4. What political party, if any, do you belong to? I am a registered democrat, but I vote on each candidate by his or her merits, not by party.
5. Do you like icees? Mmmmm....
6. East or West? East or west what? I live in the eastern part of the U S if that's what you want to know.
7. Will we ever "all" be happy with the current political situation? Never! We all have different ideas about what should be done politically. What is good for me might not be good for you...
8. Cookies or Crackers? It depends on my mood. I like 'em both!
9. What fun thing did you do today? Absolutely nothing! Hey, for me that IS fun!
...and #10 has nothing to do with any of the above questions.........