Because I need to do something a bit more upbeat after that last post...
1. When travelling, do you prefer long drives or going by plane? I have always preferred to make long trips by air, but with airport security being as it is since the 2001 terroist attacks, that has changed. I'm not big on having my rights violated in the name of security. I'd rather take my chances with the terrorists! Any long trips that I have been taken since then have been by land.
2. Where was your first out-of-country trip? Being from the northeastern U. S., my first out of country experience was with our closest neighbor, Canada, Niagra Falls to be exact. I was but a wee girl for that trip, still in grammar school. Such a long time ago... I have been back a few times since, once going as far as Toronto. Our neighbors to the north have the distinction of being the only country that I have visited more than once.
3. Who do you usually travel with? I can only recall ever making one trip without having a member of my family with me, so I suppose that I travel most often with my family. The members of my family who accompany me have changed a bit over the years though...
4. What's your favorite destination? I have a motto: "Anywhere but here!"
5. Do you usually travel for fun or work? I seriously doubt that my employer will ever call upon me to travel anywhere farther than the city of Pittsburgh. When I travel, it is for fun, unless I am going to my brother's house to get a computer fixed. That would be for the simple preservation of my sanity!