1. Did you like or dislike high school? I participated in a lot of activities and enjoyed them thoroughly, but they are the only thing I miss about my high school days. I didn't fit into any of the established cliques. Most of the time I was quite miserable. I was quite happy when I graduated and was done with it.
2. Did you walk to school, ride the bus or catch a ride with someone? Our local high school was, and still is, out in the middle of nowhere! Since I did not have a car and the ability to drive to school was strictly regulated back then, I was forced to ride the bus. ARRGH!
3. What was your favorite subject? I enjoyed all of the more creative classes. Music (Chorus) Drama Creative writing.
4. When it came to doing homework, did you do it right away, wait 'til the last minute or just do it whenever you felt like it? Homework was not the big issue back then that it is now. Teachers seldom checked to see if it was completed. I managed to be an honor student without wasting a lot of time on such things. I did it whenever I felt like it, sometimes not at all.
5. Would you go to your high school reunion? Not even if you offered me a million dollars to do so! There have been four of them already. I throw the invitations away!