1. Are you very handy? Can you fix things by yourself? Is it out of need, or just because you're good at that type of thing? That would depend upon what it was in need of fixing. I've replaced a few dead computer parts, and done some very minor automotive repairs, but as a rule I call upon other people to fix things for me. When necessity calls, I can often manage some sort of temporary patch job on many things.
2. Have you ever taken a vacation/trip by yourself? What was it? Did you have fun by yourself? Nope, never! But if I ever get enough money saved for that trip to Germany, I plan to go alone.
3. How about cooking? Can you cook for yourself (or others) or are you Fast Food King/Queen? I have been told that when I do cook, the food that I prepare is quite good. Unfortunately, I hate cooking. Actually, I hate cleaning up after cooking, so I tend to be more of a Fast Food Queen than a Gourmet Chef!
Bonus Question for Comments: Is there something you'd like to learn to do on your own that you have to ask for help with now? If so, what is it?I'd really like to learn to write my own css style sheets. I'm fairly good at editing existing ones to my liking, but when it comes to starting from scratch, I am completely lost!