1. What is your favorite kind of candy? I chocolate! It doesn't matter whether it's a Kit Kat bar, M & Ms, Raisinettes, or gourmet chocolates. I love them all!
2. If you were a Jolly Rancher, what flavor would you be? WHY? Passion Fruit! I like to think that I'm a passionate kind of person!
3. Are you big on gum? Gum makes absolutely no sense to me. You chew and chew, but you never get to swallow it. What's the point?
4. Is there one candy you can't stand? White chocolate! What an imposter! It is not chocolate at all...
5. Do you like the classic candy better, or the recent kinds? I like a lot of new candies, but nothing beats the old classics which have withstood the test of time. It's a shame that they don't make some of the old classics anymore. I really miss Clark bars...