Again, our topic is 'potpourri.' Thank you to all participants who contributed questions!! The following are the final selection from our fellow Monday Madness players.......Have fun!
1. Which is more fun, kid's toys or grown-up kid's toys? (ie. Lego's vs. power tools) I always enjoyed playing with my kids' toys. The ones that they make now are so much more fun than most of the ones they made when I was a kid. Tee hee! Grown-up toys can be fun, too! Sex toys!
2. What's your favorite food and why? Which food is your number one weakness? I would be hard pressed to select a single favorite food. I love Asian and Italian cuisine equally. I have major weaknesses in both categories as well! If I find liguine in white clam sauce on the menu at an Italian restaurant, I am overjoyed. When I'm having Asian, egg foo yung is my favorite choice. Why do I like these foods so much? I really can't say. I just do!
3. How many blogs/journals/diaries would you say you read? Too many! I do a lot of memes, and I like to check eveyone's answers. Couple that with the blogs of my friends and family and that's a hell of a lot of blogs!
4. Do you feel you have an obligation to spread your religious belief system to others, or do you think religion is a private matter that everyone needs to decide for themselves? A person's religious beliefs are a something that should bring peace to his or her heart. What works for me may not work for someone else. I do not have an inside track to God. Who am I to say what someone else should believe?
5. Did you keep a paper journal before blogging? I remember keeping a locked diary when I was in high school. I got in trouble a couple of times after my mom read it. The locks that they put on those things were worthless. After that, I kept my journal in a notebook labeled "Math", because nobody would think to look there. Ain't it funny? Now I keep my journal on the web, where anyone in the world can read it!
6. Describe your life in 3 words. Mundane Musical Mess!
7. What was the last thing you were wrong about? I am never wrong. I thought that I was wrong once, but I was mistaken!
8. What one thing would you do to help the world be a better place for all? Vote "Not Bush" in 2004!
9. Are you a dog person or a cat person? I am a cat and dog person. I love them both, and could never choose between them!
10. If you could start your own meme (And you can!), what kind of questions would you ask? I think that I would rather do a writing meme, so I wouldn't be asking questions. Perhaps I'd do something with a fan fiction theme...