Posted on Saturday morning due to power outages and internet failures...
Precious Moments
1. Ah, love can be a beautiful thing. And a horrible thing. Can you remember a specific time that you fell for someone? What was it like? Do you remember the circumstances? Details, details!
I think that I shall tell the tale of my beginnings with "the estranged one", for it is quite a sweet and romantic tale. Yes, I did love him, once upon a time. It's such a shame that the whole thing went sour.
It was New Year's Eve 1983. I was at a party at the local Vets Club with my current boyfriend, who was dancing with every chick at the club except me. I was not happy. Then I saw him. He was sitting at the bar talking with some friends. Tall, thin, longish hair and wearing a brown leather blazer, Oooo.. I was in love! I spent the rest of the night trying to muster up the courage to go over and talk to him. I never did. I left the party with my current boyfriend, feeling sad that I would never see that guy again.
About two weeks later, a friend of mine who had been living out of state for a while came home for a visit. She wasn't going to be home for very long, so when she said that she was going to bingo with her mom, I decided to go with them. Imagine my surprise when I got there and discovered my mystery man working there! I think that I spent more time that night staring at him than I did talking to my friend or playing bingo. I still didn't have the courage to talk to him, so I decided to go back the next week. By then all of the ladies there had figured out that I had a crush on this guy and teased me mercilessly about it. To shut them up, I told them that if he gave me a winning card I would give him a big kiss after bingo. Needless to say, I won that night, for the first time ever at that particular bingo. The ladies there weren't going to let me out of the hall until I did what I said either! Not wanting to disappoint the old ladies who probably needed a bit of excitement in their lives, I approached him, explained the situation, and gave him that big kiss!
This behavior continued for two more weeks, including at least one "I didn't win but here's your kiss anyway", before he finally asked me out.
And thus my fate was sealed...
2. Can you think of a kidhood memory that sticks out? Or any memory at all that meant something to you? What was it?
How about the time that my Uncle Ray broke my sliding board?! At 6'2" and well over 200 pounds, did he really think my kiddie swing set would withstand him? Oh, well, I guess he did! I have long since forgiven him for that. He was just a big kid at heart, wanting only to have some fun. Damn, I miss him. He annoyed the hell out of me when I was little, but as I got older I realized that his merciless teasing was his way of saying "I love you." Once that was taken into account, I was always able to laugh right along with him.
3. Do you remember your first house? What was it like? How long did you live there for?
Ah, the old duplex on Eighth Street. It's still there. I really should take a picture sometime. We lived there from the time I was born until about a month before my sixth birthday, when my parents bought the house where they still live today.