Today, August 25th is Healthy Lifestyles Day! But!! (or should I say "butt"! lol) ...we're all crazy here, and so we're opting for the holiday of Thursday, August 26th which is: Toilet Paper Day!!! Yeah, much more our style here at BDInsanity!!
Toilet Paper Day is in observance of the invention of toilet paper in China, in the year 580! Here's the warm-up! Using the word T I S S U E, tell us what "crap" is annoying you today!!
Too many vowels, again! I still haven't been to Kennywood this year! Scorpions North American tour, no east coast shows! Subs.I'm supposed to have one but I don't! Ugly moody bitches who have the nerve to call me the same! Email programs that do not let you directly edit the html source!
All set?? Let's move on to hump it up you cwazy loons! A little 'getting to know you' humpin' action!
1. If you were to nominate a celebrity (or their screen character) to the Presidency, who it would it be and why?
Jack McCoy for president, Yay! I like the way that the Law And Order assistant DA sticks to his principles. It's about time we got someone like him in office.
2. If your best talent were an Olympic event, what it would be? Instead of a gold medal, what would first prize be? The Olympic wisecracking team. What a novel idea. The first prize would be the golden raspberries, of course!
3. If you had a warning light on your forehead what would it warn people of if it were flashing? Warning! PMS in effect. May explode at any time. Approach with extreme caution.
4. You live in a cage...what are you? Do they ever let you out? "Lust is in cages Till storm breaks loose Just have to make it With someone I choose..."
Did you ever see the video for Rock You Like A Hurricane ? I wanna live in that cage, as myself, of course.
As long as I have these five hotties in there with me, I need never be let out!
5. Scientists have discovered a way to bottle the essence of you. What does it smell like? I often joke that were a doctor to analyze a sample of my blood in the morning, he would discover that it was, in fact, 100% pure coffee. This leads me to believe that essence of Lady Starlight would probably smell like freshly brewed coffee!
There it is, the Wednesday Mind Hump, brought to you by those loooonatic staffers here at BDI! Have a great Wednesday!