This week sees the opening of the film adaptation of Isaac Asimov's classic "I, Robot" starring Will Smith.
1. Who or what is your favorite movie robot? Technically, he's not a robot, he's a protocol android. His name is C3PO. His buddy R2D2, comes in a close second! I love the robot characters in Star Wars.
2. Will we ever see the day where walking, talking robots truly become a part of every day life? Probably not in my lifetime, or even my children's, but I do think that it will happen eventually.
3. Should a robot ever be programmed to kill a human? Absolutely not! If someone wants to kill another human, he should do it himself! I can just imagine the legal tangle that killer robots might cause...
BONUS ~ If you had a personal robot, what would you call it? What would you like it to do for you? I would name her Hazel after the maid of television fame because that is what she'd be, my own personal maid-servant!