1. Do you work full-time, part-time or do you work a seasonal job? I am employed full time by the United States Postal Service as a rural mail carrier.
2. Are you more often on time, early or late for work? I am not a morning person. I never arrive at work early. I usually arrive promptly at my start time, 7:30 AM.
3. Have you ever called in sick when you actually weren't? Hasn't everyone? I haven't done so recently, since I now am in a higher leave earning category, but when I first got my full time position, I found myself forced to do this on occasion when my annual leave (vacation and/or personal days) had run out.
4. How many hours per day do you put in? I am paid a salary based on a 6.7 hour work day for six days a week. In an ideal world, this would be the number of hours I actually work. This, unfortunately, is the real world. At Christmastime I often find myself working 8+ hours every day. At this time of year it is the opposite. There are many days when I only work 5 hours. No matter how many hours I put in, my pay remains the same. Is it any wonder that I hate to see summer come to an end...
5. Do you socialize with any of your co-workers? We are a very close knit group in my office. We often have parties, picnics, and other sorts of get-togethers. I like to consider most of my co-workers to be friends.