1. Kissed or been kissed? Oh, come now! I'm 42 years old, separated, and have two kids! I've kissed, been kissed, and then some...
2. Dyed your hair an outrageous colour? Never on purpose, but I've had a few interesting experiences with hair coloring. I once used a semi-permanent hair coloring that left my hair the most interesting shade of green after it washed out. Another time, I bought a color that was supposed to be a dark red. It was, unfotunately, quite unnaturally so. It turned my hair blood red!
3. Bungee-jumped? Are you kidding?! I am not THAT crazy!
4. Fancied your best friend? Yes, when I was in high school, one of my best friends was a guy named Dave. We would talk for hours on end every night about music, our guitars, and unfortunately, his problems with his girlfriend. As much as I wanted to do it, I never told him that he shoud dump her and start dating me. Perhaps I should have. I was crazy for him. He never saw me as anything more than a buddy, though...
5. Skipped school? Don't tell my kids, but of course I have! Hasn't everyone done that at one time or another?