1. What was the name of the last movie you watched (dvd, vhs, theatre, or tv)? Van Helsing, for the third time! I love that movie!
Mmmm... Dracula!
2. What were you doing on the internet before coming here? Playing with My NeoPet!
3. What color of pen do you usually write with? I almost always use blue ink, but I prefer black.
4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My Mom. Even though I am at her house nearly every single day, we still talk on the phone!
5. When is your birthday? (month and day) I was born on Monday, November 20, 1961. Damn I'm getting old!
6. How organized is your computer desk? My desk top computer is currently out of commission. The hard drive died. Needless to say the desk is a bit of a mess with disconnected cables hanging everywhere. So, how am I managing to be online? My beloved laptop! The world is my desk!
7. How many calendars do you have in your house? The only calendar in my house is a wall scroll calendar that I got from a Chinese restaurant. It is quite pretty, but it is a few years old! I do have two current ones hanging by my desk at work, though.
8. Do you clip coupons and use them when doing your grocery shopping? Very seldom, since I don't get the Sunday paper.
9. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Mornings suck!
10. Did you enjoy your weekend? There is a holiday this week, so it isn't over quite yet! So far, so good...