Brought to you by the ladies at Blogdrive Insanity!
Today is also National Blueberry Cheesecake day. As a warm up, using the letters B-L-U-E-B-E-R-R-Y reveal some interesting facts about you.
Alrightee Then! Now that we're warmed up - let's hump, shall we?
Buys guitars on impulse!
Likes to play her car stereo very loud.
Uses three different computers.
Enjoys playing word games.
Buys too much stuff at WalMart!
Everybody knows that I'm under the spell of your love
Got nothing but you on my mind.
(To Matthias Jabs)
Riding busses makes her sick!
Red cars are her favorite.
Yearns for a chance to see The Scorpions in concert!
This week a "getting to know you hump" with an insane twist. Ready? Set! HUMP!
1. You are battery operated - what are you? What size batteries do you require and how many?
Since I am always returning people's lost dogs, I suppose that I would be some sort of electronic device worn on a dog's collar that aids in the dog's retrieval should it become lost. I operate on two button cell batteries.
2. Ohmigosh! You're on the cover of the National Inquirer (or other trash magazine)! What is the headline? Give us an except for the inside story?
Matthias Jabs Weds American Fan Following Very Brief Courtship
The cover photo would, of course, be our wedding picture.
Friends and fans alike of the Scorpions lead guitarist were surprised to hear of his marriage to this American woman mere weeks following a chance meeting during the band's current U.S. tour.
It must be love. The new Mrs. Jabs, herself, insisted upon signing a prenuptual agreement...
3. If you could be ANY sex symbol (living or dead) who would it be and why? What question do you think you'd most get asked?
Cher, because of all of her outrageous clothes and wigs. Also, because I would get a chance to be a singer, actress, and comedienne! People would ask me what my "real" hair looked like.
4. You are lighter than air, you float. C'mon, introduce youself - what are you?
I am... ME! If I should ever get the chance to meet Matthias Jabs, I would most certainly be floating around in the air for weeks, or months, perhaps even years!
5. Your blog just won an award for being the best. What is it for? You've also been given an "award" for being the worst. What is it for.
Best sarcastic rants on the web!
Worst place to be if you're a Moody Bitch!
Oh, no! I've broken my vow to ignore her!!
Extra credit hump: In honor of National Blueberry Cheesecake Day, what's the most creative use for a blueberry you can conjure up?
Blueberry jewelry! Little blueberry stud earrings and strands of blueberries to be worn around the wrist and neck!