1. The Back to the Future Trilogy sent Marty McFly 30 years into the future, 30 years into the past (twice!) and 100 years into the past. Which of these time periods would you like to visit in your 1.21 gigawatt-powered DeLorean, and why Hmmm...I would most definitely like to go into the past, but not into any of the time periods used in the movies. I want to go back to WW II Germany. I want to take all of my twenty-first century knowledge with me and argue genetics with Hitler. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But who knows, If I were successful, I would be able to save countless lives, not to mention the fact that I would also save a nation from years of humiliation. If I weren't, I could just hop into the DeLorean and bring myself "Back to the Future!"
2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy was, of course, based on a famous trio of novels by JRR Tolkien. What sci-fi/fantasy/genre novels or series would you like to see turned into a Peter-Jackson-directed/George-Lucas-written/Steven-Speilberg-produced trilogy? The Trilogy that I would like to see made into movies is by a rather obscure sci-fi writer named C. J. Cherryh. I would love to see her original Foreigner trilogy made into films. The stories pertain to a group of lost human colonists and the native people of the planet that they are colonizing, the Atevi. The major human player in this saga is a sort of embassador/translator called the Paidhi. I even know who should be cast in this part. David Wenham!
3. Next summer, there will be two complete Star Wars trilogies in the history books. What's your strangest or most interesting Star Wars experience? I don't know if it could be called strange or interesting, but the experience that I remember the most is standing in a line that went all the way around the block to see the original Star Wars movie at the Coyle Theater.
Bonus - While the Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones movies are currently only trilogies, plans are in the works for a fourth movie in both series. What trilogy might've been better served with a fourth movie? Which trilogy would've been better if they had left it at only one movie? So long as Harrison Ford is playing Indiana Jones, I'm game for another movie in that series! If anyone else is playing the part, they can just forget it! Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones, and that's that! As for the Jurassic Park movies, I never much liked the first three. I can't see a fourth movie in that series being any good, either.