It seems that my business with the demented Ms. Blake is not finished yet, not by a longshot. This twisted woman was not satisfied with harassing just me. She has decided that it would be fun to visit the blogs of people who participate in the same memes as me and leave comments for them. These comments contain the URL for her Neandrethal attempts at image work and a claim that the picture is of me. She signs them using my name, Lady Starlight, and lists my blog as a homepage. There is probably no email link listed on these posts, as I don't think she knows my address. If you have received one of these comments, please accept my apologies. I kindly ask you to delete these comments, and ban the author's IP range. Also, feel free to email the real author of these comments to tell her that you are onto her, and that if she doesn't stop, she will be reported to her ISP. Once again, I would like to apologize for the actions of this foolish woman. Please try to forgive her. I know that I am trying. She is one truly sick individual who needs desperately to seek professional help!